Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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What next in Egypt?

Egypt: The Revolution after the Revolution (Berliner Zeitung / 15/02/2011 / Julia Gerlach)
is the revolution in Egypt in the next round and round so that their origins. Was it the young people but first went to social and economic demands: They want better jobs, housing, and a fair wage. In short, a future. In the course of the protest gave them the list of demands a loud cry, "Mubarak from hau!". Now, President Mubarak is gone, retired to his villa in Sharm Al Sheikh and immediately the old demands are back. And many more.

Egyptian turncoats (Berliner Zeitung / text archive / 15/02/2011 / Julia Gerlach)
exposed carriers of the old system, are now represented as a critic. Others fear for their freedom.
There are yet no Arab word translation for "turncoat". But words such as "He who changes the color of his skin," like a chameleon, are inaller mouth. Of course, there are currently a few days after President Hosni Mubarak also Rücktrittvon many Egyptians on the Nile, in whole on the part of Mubarak had until Friday at 18-clock has been proclaimed as the resignation - have become fervent supporters of the revolution.

Egypt: Work on new constitution - ten lawyers, ten days (sueddeutsche.de / 15.02.2011)
Egypt on the road to democracy after the overthrow of the Mubarak's ruling military council has appointed a constitutional committee. The new legislation should be available soon - but there are still many questions.

rewrite the story: A writer and his book project on Egypt (Germany Kultur / 02.15.2011)
originally wanted to write, who lives in Germany Arab descent writer Abbas Khider a book about the hopelessness of Arab intellectuals . But then the tide turned. Moved, he describes his experience at Tahrir Square in Cairo and calls it a "wedding for the freedom." The secret der Bewegung sei ihre Einfachheit, so Khider.

Proud to be an Egyptian! (lemonde.fr / 15.02.2011 / Khaled Al Khamissi)
Believe me if you want, but the waters of the Nile have danced for joy at the rate of people celebrating the fall of the dictator. The waves were dancing to celebrate the end of the nightmare that we deprived of oxygen for thirty years. The millions of voices trembling with power chant: "Changing your mind ... you are Egyptian." Jumping in the air, pointing toward one another, they shout: "You're Egyptian!" Pride in being Egyptian replaced the desire to flee patrie où l'on était privé de tous les droits de citoyen.

Egypt: The Age of Freedom has Begun. Amen! (huffingtonpost.com / 15.02.2011 / Muqtedar Khan)
We are witnessing the rebirth of the Arab World. Mubarak resigns and with him ends the age of dictators, repressions and lack of freedom in Egypt. If Egypt becomes democratic, it does not have to become a perfect democracy overnight, it will suffice that it begins transition to democracy in earnest. Egypt is the intellectual and cultural leader of the Arab world and enjoys the affection and respect of all Muslim nations. If Egypt embraces democracy, democracy will become the norm in the Arab World.

"Wir have to trust the Egyptians " (tagesspiegel.de / 02.15.2011)
Freedom Revolution in Egypt deserves full support, by the former Foreign Minister Genscher. The military leadership must understand that their power is limited in duration.

We should have more confidence in the peaceful have democratic states too, the military command in Cairo clarity created concluded by Egypt contracts are not affected This also and especially for the peace treaty with Israel
The European Union has to its Mediterranean policy is now.... - and without hesitation - Align the help in meeting the expectations of the Tunisian and Egyptian freedom revolutionaries. More freedom means more chances to survival for them.

The Tough Task Facing the Egyptian Military (iwpr.net / 02/15/2011 / Ehab Kotb)

agitation for power shift: Clashes in Egypt call for dead (Spiegel-Online / 02.15.2011 / dpa)
Four days after the overthrow of Egyptian President Mubarak, the situation remains uneasy on the Nile: In conflicts between several people escaped prisoners were killed. The EU is considering the closure von Konten früherer Mitglieder des Mubarak-Regimes.

Why Tahrir Infuriates the Neo-Cons (jadaliyya.com / 15.02.2011 / Shiva Balaghi)
It wasn’t the spectre of “a democratic Iraq” or the spark of American missiles or the ideology of MEPI democratization that triggered the people’s revolution in the Arab world. They did it on their own. And Obama just let them. He let them have their democratic uprising without sending a single U.S. soldier along to help them out. The press was talking about a democracy tsunami across the Arab world—and it didn’t have a Made in the USA label on it. This was the neo-cons’ worst nightmare.

The case of the Arab wall (fr-online / 02.15.2011 / Ulrich Beck)
What did the uprising in Tunisia and the revolt in Egypt with the collapse of the Berlin Wall in common? Not only that Unvorhergesagte and unpredictable, but the unthinkable happened and is happening. "Madness" is the word then and now, which brings the collapse of the certainties to the point. Who would have predicted three weeks ago what is now fact - that two of the authoritarian regimes of the Arab world have collapsed, and the other quake - had been declared insane.

The transfer of power in Egypt: Politically isolated, misguided (FAZ.net / 15/02/2011 / Rainer Hermann)
is gradually known how it came to the resignation Hosni Mubarak. First he urged his son Gamal to stay in office. Then it was displaced by Defense Minister Tantawi. He is the new strong man in Cairo.

Revolution in Egypt: "This is my country" (taz.de / 14/02/2011 / Karim al-Gawhary)
clear the protesters in Cairo Tahrir Square on. There is a new beginning. The army wants to hold new elections in six months.
Just a few weeks, he's probably with his chair at one of the intersections of the lines of waiting vehicles pushed along to knock in red on the window and beg for some money. Today, he smiles and replies to the quick question, what he was doing there, with a short ". This is my country" Then he dips the brush back and bends down again in slow motion.
Egypt is not demonstrated to rest (tagesanzeiger.ch / 14/02/2011 / dpad)
thousands of Egyptians have for higher wages and better working conditions. The army called for an immediate end to the strikes and protests - to no avail.

Egypt's revolution has just begun (english.aljazeera.net / 02/12/2011 / Adrian Crewe)
The transition to civilian rule will not be easy - if the military are capable of delivering on their promises.

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>>>> An important resource for the current reporting on Egypt: Egypt Ticker


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