Thursday, July 30, 2009

Toddler Thirsty All Night

Body Lotion "Make my Day"

nurses, light body lotion.
Quantity: 90 gr
fat phase: 20%, water phase: 80%
emulsifier: 4% on the total amount

fat phase:
5.0 gr Mandelöl
2.0 gr Arganöl
1.5 gr Jojobaöl
0.9 gr Preiselbeersamenöl
0 , 9 g UDA

Montanov 3.6 g L
0.5 g Mimosenwachs

3.6 gr Sheabutter

least 44.8 gr. Water

2.7 g glycerol
1.8 g gamma oryzanol *
2.7 gr Lipodermin *
2.7 g D-panthenol
1.8 g Urea

15.5 gr Licorice extract (. 80% alcohol-extract) **

5 drops of essential bergamot oil, 1 drop essential Styraxöl, 3 drops of ethereal grapefruit oil

preparation: dissolve
Urea in licorice extract and set aside.

Montanov L, mimosa wax, Gamma Oryzanol * * Lipodermin UDA and melted in a water clear, the Add oil and heat it.

pull the pan from the stove, add the melted shea butter and clear.

boil the water and cool down to about 65 ° can, glycerol Weigh and add this mixture to the oils and homogenize at high speed about 3 minutes. Add

D-panthenol and the extract with the dissolved urea, gently homogenized.
Finally stir in the essential oils and fill in a suitable lotion pump dispenser.

* = clear melt together with the oils in a water bath to
** = the preservative is 18% to the water phase.


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